All that matters is hunger !!

                                              Last month I happened to visit a government office on a personal work in the afternoon.If I remember correctly the office is on the 7th floor because the elevator was not working and I had the trekking adventure on hand.As usual per government standards :) the person I was looking for is not in yet and I had to kill my time some how standing in the balcony just looking at the traffic down on the roads.

                                             Not so far away from me,I witnessed a gate keeper for that floor,an old man just getting ready for his lunch.I was inquisitive as to what would be his lunch.He took out his carriage comprising two boxes in it,one a large one having rice in it and the other was a small one with curd.Now my curiosity rose in as I know the management professional in him would come out managing little insufficient curd he had to the rice quantity  in front of him.As expected,he poured in water along with the curd which I felt like he was just eating water mixed with rice as if  for cooking but absolutely not a curd rice.I could see no expression on his face sad/dis satisfaction/happy.Perhaps,all that mattered to him at that time was HUNGER.He was just making sure he was taking care of his hunger with limited resources available to him.

                                          So whenever we feel like the food at home prepared is routine and uninteresting,just imagine about the good number of poor people this country had ,starting their day off in hunt of food.We are blessed to have at least that routine food which puts us in better place when compared to many.Incidentally,I skipped my breakfast that day complaining that it was deadly idly.However,another lesson learnt.Thank you to the best teacher on this planet ,called 'the Life'.

"For a rich man,what matters is costly food,
For a middle class man,it is the tasty food,
For a poor man,all that matters is food ".





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