How to deal with clients in corporate world

                                                                     Past weekend,in one of an informal conversation with my close friend working in an MNC,he was saying about how he turned the tables with his client to his favor in last six months.He was posted on an assignment to streamline few processes which the client felt needs immediate attention.Obviously,it was not an over night miracle.He  was matured enough to foresee the roadblocks in anticipation and also aware of the fact of the rise of unforeseen ones.But what struck him so hard was the number of unexpected problems that kept on coming his away like arrows.Should he apply bandage to previous wounds before his arrival or shield him from the new ones.That moment I empathized with him.Four months passed by just managing without any action.Now started pressure from client and his leadership team to show results else the partnership was almost at stake.After all,corporate world is all about results because that is the visible end product.In the process of the achieving results,the processes take back seat.They are given their due importance only when results start getting hit by inefficient processes.I digress this debate here. So I asked,okay,what is that one thing which you missed in first four months that you suddenly realized to put into action?

The conversation continued.He said he didn't do anything out of the blue.Having run out of options,after proposing and rolling out few new processes,he retrospected and realized the former guy in that position didn't make any attempt to connect with the client.This was evident in the reception he witnessed in the first week of his arrival.He said that he listed out his stakeholders,started to make connections with them and he turned the tide in his favor..The end card of the film.Note that the productivity may/may not have increased but he was able to reduce the friction with the client to buy extra time.

 I know that the above statements didn't justify the title of this article,let's dive a little deeper into this.After all,the devil is in the detail.Note that since client is a broader term,it is restricted to corporate world in this context.


Who is a client,by the way?
Someone who takes your services by paying an equivalent.

Why would he reach out to you when he/she had MONEY?
Lack of skill and expertise

What is their mindset like?
Just like a consumer buying a good by paying money.The rights on the servicer are earned by default because money is involved.If you think,in barter system,these rights are not earned.But due to the power money had acquired,this is certain.

What are their expectations?
They expect quality,worthiness for the amount paid,proper maintenance after wear and tear,above all,how they are treated.Remember,a happy client is a repeat client.
How should be servicer attitude be like?
The servicer will be roped in only when the client can't handle the tasks on their own.Imagine this.You are sent on a speed boat to safeguard sailors of another boat stuck in the middle of the ocean.What are the options available for you? Either you get on to theirs,repair or board them on to yours,sail back to the shore.This may work there but not in the corporate world.Here you have to deploy a third approach since client companies and service companies goals often don't align.The end goals are different because of the underlying business models.A servicing company being in its own boat has to throw out the anchor on to the client boat,serve the client by driving  in the direction it wants.Give and take.Learn most times,educate some times.The deeper the the anchor gets hooked to the client boat,the better the business  run seamlessly.The deeper the the anchor gets hooked to the client boat,the better the business run seamlessly. Even when the hook is removed,the mark will be still there.Flexibility shown in adjusting to day-to-day client requirements determines the longevity of the relationship.Understanding expectations and their vision,following efficient processes,in time delivery woven together carefully with a fabric called transparent communication forms the crux of connecting with a client.Once that connection is made,rest is usually easier.

I end this with below quote

"First do what they wanted by asking,then see how you get what you wanted without asking"




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