Karma - The way I understand

At times,we have no clue what's going on in our lives.It's difficult to fathom the phenomenon with weight on logic.Slowly it descends on to us that this seems to be beyond logic,beyond the radius of our limited knowledge and beyond current life.

Why we are born in a particular family?
Why we are born with specific physical and mental attributes?
Why few of us lead luxury life while others live in poverty?
Why few of us enjoy the fruits of marriage while others encounter setbacks?
Why only a few have good children?
Why we lend to certain individuals and borrow from certain individuals?
Why few people appear from no where to help us out of trouble?

These are all questions of serious nature to me.Atheists may strike off this questions as silly but I haven't found a convincing answer from them so far.Upon my sincere quest with the help of my Guru and spiritual books,I'm convinced of 'Karma'.It dawned to me,whatever happens is due to one's accumulated karma over many lives ('Prarabdha karma').It is cent percent true that the soul within us had worn this current human body after many non human lives finally.A human body attainment is a omen that the next gigantic step is to put an end to birth-death cycle by merging with the Almighty with strenuous intentional efforts.We reap what we sow.May not be at the time we wanted but at the right time.The strange thing with karma is that we cannot sit idle without doing anything in order to stop accumulating karma.It should be a continuous activity but caution should be exercised that it is good karma.In simple words,karma is like a file.When unpleasant things happen understand that the file is getting cleared,which we should be happy about.When pleasant things happen,understand that we are reaping the benefits of past good karma and the good battery charging is diminishing.Now,the question that should pop up is - 'Who is clearing the file?' .Is it GOD? The answer is NO.It is the system(Nature) that was set up by God which carries on running this universe without partiality.Remember that God has nothing to do with our Karma.Then you may get a doubt as to why we should rely on him? Good question,makes sense.Because to attain the capacity to overcome the troubles.With God's help,the intensity of the bad karma reduces.Whatever that forces its way towards the head takes away just the cap we wear.We cross the ocean of troubles like a drop of water on a lotus leaf.

Bottom line - 

  • Life is a drama with a bounded script for each individual based on their Karma.Period.
  • You are the protagonist in your own drama. 
  • Each character that you interact with has a defined role with role length,dialogues and actions.
  • Don't expect or influence them to deliver upon your expectations.They deliver according to the script written for you.Period.
  • It could be harsh,insulting,discouraging,vulgar,betraying,serious,envious.
  • It could be pleasant,lovely,romantic,emotional,funny.
  • Understand that they are doing their part,either paying off their debt or claiming their due.Once we understand this,your outlook to people will change and inner peace descends on to you.You deal them better. 
  • You have no control over the drama.What you can is to play your part right,be conscious of your responsiveness,intentionally garner good karma by staying with in the radius of the Almighty you like.
  • The drama ends when you leave the current body,whether there will be another drama depends on the merits you attained out of the last drama.



  1. Interesting read Venu. Looks like you have been doing a lot of thinking 😊

  2. The thoughts doesn’t shut up even if i wanted to


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